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Всього 34 людини

Англійська мова

Дата: 5 січня 2021 о 13:59, Оновлено 6 травня 2021 о 09:45
Автор: Сенчин В. А.

05.04. 9 клас Розвиток навичок читання


06.05. 6 клас Урок фізкультури 


06.04.11 клас Підготовка до ЗНО



7 клас

Тема: Шкільні гуртки. Позакласна діяльність.

1. Опрацювати ЛО теми ст. 162 впр 1.

2. Прочитай впр 2 ст. 163 та дай відповіді на питання впр 4 ст. 164.

3. Виконай картку

Circle the odd out.

1) school orchestra, piano classes, school chorus, Sports Club

2) Handmade, follow, make, Arts and Crafts Club
3) keep fit, Nature Study Club, swim, Sports Club

4) read, Literature Club, write poems, sing

5) school newspaper, lesson, learn, hobby

6) Drama Club, build up one’s confidence, show one’s talent, run 

10 клас

Тема: Практика в аудіюванні

1. Пригадай ЛО теми та виконай впр 4а,б ст. 234

2. Виконай тест за посиланням https://www.liveworksheets.com/et284169tx

3. Попрактикуйся в аудіюванні https://www.liveworksheets.com/cl600908mn

5 клас

Тема: Повторення вивченого матеріалу.

1. Пригадай назви шкільних навчальних предметів та виконай тест https://learningapps.org/1602264

2. Виконай впр 2,3 ст. 195-196

8 клас

Тема: Україна. Як живуть українці.

1. Випиши з впр 2 ст. 147 нові слова.

2. Прочитай текст впр 2 ст 147 та виконай за текстом впр 3 ст. 148 (познач правдиві та неправдиві твердження)

3. Згадай граматичний матеріал теми та виконай впр 6 ст. 148

6 клас


Тема: Урок фізкультури.

Match answers with the questions

1. Why do you like Music?            a) Because I like drawing and painting.

2.Why do you like Maths?             b) Because I like playing games.

3. Why do you like Art?                  c)  Because I like singing.

4. Why do you like Reading?         d)Because I like counting.

5. Why do you like Sport?              e) Because I like speaking English.

6. Why do you like English?           f) Because I like reading books.

В.3 с.175 вставити слова в текст

07.05 2021

Тема: Мій улюблений урок.

  1. Complete the text with the given words:

Prefer, languages, improve, opinion, skills, correct

We study two foreign … - English and German. In my … it is difficult but very interesting. Our teachers help us to … our … . We practice reading, writing and … pronunciation of the new words. I do many grammar exercises. I … speaking because it is more interesting.

  1. Correct the sentences.
  1. In Biology we learn about the continents and the oceans.
  2. In Literature we do calculations.
  3. In History we draw and paint.
  4. In Music we learn everything about computers.
  5. In PE we learn new words and read texts.

Прочитати діалог:


P1 – Why are you so sad?

P2 – I have some difficulties in Geography.

P1 – What’s the matter?

P2 – I don’t know where the countries are situated.

                     P1 – You can find them on the map or on the globe.

P2 – Thank you.

P1 – By the way how many countries are there on the Earth?

                P2 – Let me think. There are a lot of them; I don’t know the right number.

P1 – There 6 of them.

P2 – Can you name the oceans?

P1 – Yes, I can. They are: the Indian, the Pacific, the Atlantic and the Arctic.

P3 – Where is Ukraine situated? Look at the map of Europe.

      P2 – Oh, I see, it’s in Central Europe.

P4 – You can overcome this difficulty following our advice.

9 клас


Тема:Розвиток навичок читання.

 Read the text and do the tasks.

A Smart Lesson

Harry was always making excuses for forgetting to do things. His usual excuse was "I was too busy" or "I didn't have time". Harry's parents were worried about him. "He mustn't go through life making excuses all the time", his father said. "No one will trust him to do anything. He won't be able to keep a job. No sensible girl will want to marry him".

"I don't know what we can do", his mother said.

"I have an idea", his father said. "If this doesn't work, nothing will".

The next day was Harry's birthday. He was really looking forward to getting exciting presents. He woke up expecting his parents to wish him "Happy Birthday!" but all they said was "Good morning. Harry. Hurry, or you'll be late for school". There were no presents, not even a card. He was very disappointed. "Never mind", he thought. "There'll be a surprise for me after school". But there wasn't. Sadly he said to his parents at dinner, "Today's my birthday". "Oh!" his father said. "So it is. I forgot.'

"So did I", his mother said. "How could you forget?" Harry asked. "There must be a reason". "Well, yes", his father said. "We have a really good excuse for forgetting your birthday, Harry. We didn't remember your birthday because we were too busy". Poor Harry. He never had a silly excuse for not doing something again.

  Answer the questions.

1)    What did Harry make excuse for?

2)    Whose birthday was it the next day?

3)    What was he hoping to get?

4)    What was he expecting when he woke up?

5)    What did he get for his birthday?

Put the words in the right order to make up a sentence.

1. started / have/ they / their / just / dinner.

2. yet / that film / seen / haven’t / I.

3. you / already / done / your shopping / have?


Тема:Узагальнення матеріалу.

Choose and write the letter of the correct answer.

1) The man _____ is talking to Janis is a famous producer.

a) who                   b) when                    c) what

2) This is the film in _____ Julia Roberts stars.

a) whose                b) which                   c) when

3) I remember the day Manchester  United won the European Cup Final.

a) why                    b) when                    c) that

4) Peter  didn't explain _________he came late to the party.

a) whose                 b) when                     c) why

Complete the questions with the correct question words.

  1. ________many days are there in February this year?
  2. ________time did they arrive?
  3. ________of these two shirts do you prefer?
  4. ________much did those binoculars cost?
  5. ________did you do after Lunch yesterday?
  6. ________are you so tired today?
  7. ________did they sleep on Saturday night – in London or Brighton?
  8. ________are these pens: mine or Dave's?
  9. ________usually gets up first in your family?
  10. ________did you learn to walk?' 1 was one, I think
  11. ________does this hat cost?

11 клас


Тема: Підготовка до ЗНО.


6 клас 29.04. Урок фізкультури. https://us05web.zoom.us/j/85306710688?pwd=QUw1d2pPcmhHb3JDOGdybGJUV1Fqdz09

29.04.9 клас Великі міста Великобританії. Манчестер. https://us05web.zoom.us/j/85923936246?pwd=aEg3bjlIN1Y5SlQ3MHZBZlZVQTRmQT09

28.04. 9 клас Міста Великобританії. Белфаст. https://us05web.zoom.us/j/84792911074?pwd=MGdOdzR5bzlvUjhoMFNwb3E5WDB4UT09

29.04 11 клас Підготовка до ЗНО https://us05web.zoom.us/j/84134096950?pwd=WjRRcitYUVpMbzVBVDlmNytmRVNDUT09

Звіт про проведення уроків – онлайн 12.04.2021-26.04.2021



Тема уроку



Готуємось до свята.




Тренувальні вправи на повторення граматичних структур.




Віддані вболівальники. Практикування у складанні письмових висловлювань




З історії Лондона




Святкування Пасхи в Україні та Великій Британії. Past Simple.




Тренувальні вправи на повторення граматичних структур.




Музеї Лондона




Активізація мовного та мовленнєвого матеріалу.




Біля карти України




Я - школяр




Людина і суспільство




Древній Київ. Поділ.




Шкільні (навчальні) предмети




Діяльність учнів під час уроків.




Хрещатик – серце столиці




Моє рідне місто


21.04. 4б Улюблені свята. https://us05web.zoom.us/j/87328129894?pwd=emNQUjNhN1RnWUgrd2p4VG5acWdYUT09

21.04 9 клас Унікальне місто-Лондон. https://us05web.zoom.us/j/87236982125?pwd=M3Y0Sk1WUkVMYU5lMUJrUUhoVkV6Zz09

20.04.2А клас Чия це іграшка? https://us05web.zoom.us/j/87531303791?pwd=b1kvZXZEb1B1R3UwOVFjZGlORjhlZz09

19.04. 4 б клас День гумору. https://us05web.zoom.us/j/82716016144?pwd=MGw1UHFXTlVLbzM5VmRadUZRTGU1QT09

21.04. 3б Ми любимо мультфільми https://us05web.zoom.us/j/88151253609?pwd=UEdpdGxBa3FQT3dkVklUYlhUVmxnQT09

23.04. 6клас Урок географії.https://us05web.zoom.us/j/88110866448?pwd=MTZDSFBFSG40UkRoL3JnRytiSFk0Zz09

23.04.11клас Підготовка до ЗНО https://us05web.zoom.us/j/86518010893?pwd=azZIYThFZC9ySFJJTUdsL05TblR1UT09

1 клас


Тема: Їжа. Узагальнення виченого.

1. Відкрий підручник на ст. 121, знайди Unit 6. Food (розділ 6. Їжа) та повтори вивчений матеріал.

2. Зайди за посиланням та виконай тест https://naurok.com.ua/test/join?gamecode=3360997


Тема: Довге чи коротке? Назви шкільного приладдя.

1. Прослухай аудіозапис та повтори слова вправи 1,ст. 109

2. Усно попрацюй на вправою 3 ст. 110 .

3. Прочитай вправу 6 ст. 111

4. Запиши речення українською мовою. Це є олівець. Він є довгий. Це є лінійка. Вона є коротка.

4 клас


Тема: Шкільні правила. Модальне дієслов must

1. Опрацюй слова теми  за вправою 2б, ст. 108

2. Виконай вправи

А. Make up word combinations.

to read                         quietly

to talk                          badly

to write                        hard 

to work                        correctly

to walk                        carefully

to behave                    noisily

to play                        slowly

В.  Match the opposites and complete the table.

easily                  noisily

slowly                well  

quietly                hard     

wrongly             quickly 

badly                 correctly

3. Ознайомся з правилом вживання модального дієслова must та доповни речення. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqhN-45JRrI

Fill in the blanks with must or mustn’t.

1. You must follow the rules at school. 2. You __________ come to school on time. 3. You ________ wear a uniform at school. 4. You ________ behave yourself badly. 5. You ________ run in the corridors. 6. You __________ go out of the classroom during the breaks. 7. You __________ eat in the lessons. 8. You ________ write the words correctly.


Тема: Розпорядок дня. Past Simple/ Present Perfect

1. Прочитай діалог впр 1 ст. 109, усно знайди слова, які описують розпорядок дня.

2. Утвори речення в Present Perfect, використовуючи слова впр 2б ст. 110

3. Доповни діалог впр 4а ст. 111 дієсловами в Past Simple та напиши  розповідь 4-6 речень, що ти робив вчора.

5 клас


Тема: Діяльність учнів під час уроку.

1. Опрацюй ЛО теми та запиши в словник.

easy [ˈiːzɪ] – легкий

difficult [ˈdɪfɪk(ə)lt] важкий

important [ɪmˈpɔːt(ə)nt] важливий

useful [ˈjuːsfʊl] корисний

fun [fʌn] смішний, веселий

boring [ˈbɔːrɪŋ] нудний

interesting [ˈɪnt(ə)rɪstɪŋ] цікавий

2. Прочитай впр 5 ст. 188 та усно дай відповіді на питання.

3. Запиши речення англійською мовою.

Я люблю фізкультура, бо вона є легкою.

Він не любить математику, бо вона є важка.

Я не люблю англійську, але вона є важливою.

Українська мова є цікавою та корисною.

4. Виконай впр 6 ст. 188 письмово.


Тема: Мої шкільні вчителі.

1. Опрацюй нові слова на ст. 190

calculating –  обчислювати

doing the sums – розв’язувати приклади

reciting a poems – розповідати вірші

reading stories – читати розповіді

singing songs – співати пісні

drawing flowers – малювати квіти

playing games – грати в ігри

writing compositions – писати твори

jumping and running –стрибати, бігати

2. Запиши речення українською мовою.

I like calculating at the Maths.

We often jump and run at PE.

They recite poems twice a week.

He likes singing songs at Music.

3. Виконай вправу 8 ст. 189


Тема: Моя школа.

1. Прочитай текст та виконай завдання.

       Every pupil of our class is on duty once a month. It is Tuesday  today. Vira and her classmate Victor are on duty. The lessons are over and now they are cleaning the classroom. Vira has already dusted the window –sills with a duster. And now she is dusting desks and chairs. She is going to water flowers and to clean the blackboard.

       Victor is in the middle of the classroom now. He has already swept the floor. He is going to wash the floor. He has brought a bucket of water. Victor likes to help Vira because he is kind and careful.

       Tick “true’ or ‘false’

1. It is Thursday today.

2. Vira must be on duty every day.

3. Vira has already dusted window-sills.

4. Victor has washed the floor with mop.

5. Victor likes to help Vira because she is classmate.

6. He hasn’t brought a bucket of water.

2. Дай відповіді на питання впр 1 ст. 195 письмово.

7 клас


Тема: Хрещатик- серце столиці.

1.Переглянь відео https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYu-gP1nNTY та доповни речення

European Square, Khreshchatyk, 1900m, skyscraper, shortest, Bessarabska Square, 1200m, two hundred years ago

1.  The symbol of our capital is …………

2. It stretches from ……. to ……..

3.  It is one of the ………. street in the world.

4. Khreshchatyk has a length of …………

5. The first …… was build on Khreshchatyk Street.

2. Опрацюй нові слова та прочитай текст на ст. 151

  • to be surrounded by - |səˈraʊnd| - бути оточеним;
  • a stream - |striːm| - струмок;
  • a pavement - |ˈpeɪvm(ə)nt| - тротуар, пішохідна доріжка;
  • traffic - |ˈtrafɪk| - рух, транспорт;
  • fashionable - |ˈfaʃ(ə)nəb(ə)l – модний, фешенебельний;
  • stroll - |strəʊl| - прогулянка;
  • swampy -  |ˈswɒmpi| - болотистий

3. Доповни речення виділеними словами з тексту.

  1. Some tourists is waiting for their guide on the …… nest to the monument.
  2. We like to ……. along the park when the weather is worm and sunny.
  3. At noon there is much …… on the roads.
  4. All the celebrities like to book ……. hotels. 
  5. The area around this place is ……… It is bad idea to play here.
  6. All this water from rivers and ……. will run into the ocean.


Тема: Майдан Незалежності.

1. Прочитай текст про Майдан Незалежності, добираючи до частин тексту заголовки.

2. Виконай письмово впр 4а,б, ст. 155


Тема: Тестова перевірка знань з теми «Україна. Київ.» https://vseosvita.ua/test/start/mgs859

8 клас


Тема: Мандруємо Україною. Майдан Незалежності.

1. Виконай картку.

a) Match the words (1-6) with their definitions (A-F)

b) Match the titles with paragraphs:

A The Place to Share

B The Place of Attraction

C The Main Sights of the Square


  (1) ...... Among the squares of Kyiv Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square) stands out as the most attractive one. It has wide grass-covered areas, fountains and magnificent historic buildings.

    (2) …In ancient times it used to be a swampy place with only the Polish Gate (Liadski Vorota) through which people could enter the city. Nowadays you can hardly imagine that. Only a model of the old gate reminds Kyivites and visitors to the capital of the fact. Visitors of the square can see the monument to the legendary founders of Kyiv, the Statue to the Patron Saint Archangel Michael, the Hotel “Ukraina” , the Conservatoire, the International Centre of Culture and Arts (the former Zhovtneviy Palace) and the underground entertainment and trade centre “Globus” in Maidan Nezalezhnosti. The Monument to the Independence of Ukraine is definitely the most impressive one. It is the white column, with the statue of the Ukrainian girl on the top.

( 3 )....... The square is the place where people of Ukraine can share the days of sunshine and shadow. Maidan Nezalezhnosti is the heart of Kyiv. It is especially solemn on holidays. Thousands of people come here to watch concerts performed by celebrities, and to observe firework displays.


Тема: Вулицями мого міста. Навчальне аудіювання.

1. Повтори лексичний матеріал теми, виконавши тест https://www.liveworksheets.com/yf99638qx

2. Попрактикуйся в аудіюванні https://www.liveworksheets.com/si48810nh


Тема: Моє місто. Розвиток навичок говоріння.

1. Згадай ЛО з теми «Моє місто та виконай вправи.

а) find and circle the correct preposition.

My school is opposite/ above  my house.

There are/is a market near my school.

There are many flowers under/behind the museum.

b) read and complete the text. Using the prepositions: of, in, behind.

I live ___ an old country house. There are many beautiful flowers ___ front ___ my house. There is garden ___ it. And there are a lot ___ trees ___ the back ____ the garden.

c) write about the place you live in. The questions can help you:

 - Do you live in town or in the village?

- Is it small or big?

- How does it look like?

- What building does it have?

- What places can you visit in your town?

- Do you live in a flat or in a house?

- Is your flat /house quiet? comfortable? large? small?

- What is there in front of your house, behind and opposite?

- Why do you like your town?

10 клас


Тема: Порівняння політичного устрою Британії та США.

1. Ознайомся з матеріалом теми за впр 5 ст. 228

2. Попрацюй усно та дай відповіді на питання впр 6 ст. 228

3. Прочитай текст та виконай завдання.

The Parliament

The British Parliament has been in existence since 1215, when King John signed the Magna Carta, and is one of the oldest in the world. Par­liament consists of two chambers, the House of Commons, consisting of members of parliament who are elected, and the House of Lords, consist­ing of unelected peers. The Sovereign, at the moment Queen Elizabeth II, is the third part of the Parliament. The government is officially known as Her Majesty’s Government. The Queen has, in principle, a lot of power over the government, but chooses not to exercise that power. This position has emerged through the ages, though at one time the Sovereign exercised a lot of power over the government, and the country.

In principle, the “Crown in Parliament” is supreme. This means that legislation passed by Parliament, which consists of the House of Commons (elected directly by the people) and the House of Lords (made up of hereditary peers and appointive members—archbishops, senior bishops, law lords, and life peers) becomes law upon royal assent. In practice, legislation is dominated by the prime minister and the cabi­net, who initiate virtually all proposed bills and who are politically re­sponsible for the administration of the law and the affairs of the na­tion. Fiscal legislation is always initiated in the House of Commons. Since the Parliament Act of 1911, the House of Lords has been unable to block fiscal legislation. By the terms of the Parliament Act of 1949, the Lords may not disapprove other bills if they have been passed by two successive annual sessions of the Commons. The power of the Crown to veto legislation has not been exercised in over 280 years.

Agree or disagree with the statements. Expound the point of view given in the statement or prove that it is false.

1. The British Parliament is one of the oldest in the world.

2. King Edward VIII signed the Magna Carta.

3. Parliament consists of three chambers.

4. The House of Commons consists of unelected peers.

5. The members of the House of Commons are elected.

6. The Sovereign is a part of the Parliament.

7. The Queen has no real power.

8. Legislation becomes law without royal assent.

9. The Sovereign is politically responsible for the administration of the law and the affairs of the nation.

10. Fiscal legislation is always initiated in the House of Lords.

11. The Commons may not disapprove other bills if they have been passed by two successive annual sessions of the Lords.

12. The power of the Crown to veto legislation has not been exercised in over 280 years.



Тема: Порівняння політичного устрою Британії та США. Практика у вживанні   лексичних одиниць  з теми, неособових форм  дієслова.

1. Переглянь відео та познайомся з урядом США. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mt5K4ZK0ILY

2. Виконай картку

The President

We elect the Congressmen and the president.

The Vice President

I am the head of the US Administration.

The Secretary of the State

We make laws and we can introduce a new project.

The Congressmen

I can replace the President in case his death or his impeachment.

The People

I’m the head of the Cabinet

3. Доповни текст словами з довідки.

     George Washington (1) in the family of a Virginian planter. He was a brave young man and when he was twenty three, he (2) colonel of all Virginia’s forces. After 1770 getting independence from (3) became the major problem in the American colonies. When the war for (4) began, Washington was appointed commander-in-chief of all the (5) forces. Washington clearly understood the (6) of fighting a powerful enemy with a badly equipped and poorly trained army. Washington (7) great difficulties in his efforts to establish strict discipline. He insisted that it was necessary to explain every soldier the (8) of the cause they were fighting for. Washington’s fidelity to the Revolution (9) others, and by 1781 he had managed to build up a strong army, which won a victory in the war. On April 6,1789, G.Washington (10) President of the USA and served (11) terms. G. Washington died in 1799. In honour of the first president the newly-built capital of the country was named Washington.1) born

1. a) born

b) be born

c) was born

2. a) was made

b) make

c) made

3. a) France

b) Britain

c) Mexico

4. a) Freedom

b) Texas

c) Independence

5. a) British

b) Indian

c) colonial

6. a) importance

b) difficulty

c) simplicity

7. a) faced

b) coped

c) took

8. a) cruelty

b) importance

c) necessity

9. a) stopped

b) respected

c) inspired

10.a) elected

b) was elected

c) had been elected

11. a) one

b) three

c) two


6 клас


Тема:Урок фізкультури.

В.1 с.174 вивчити слова; в.2 с.175 читати

  Complete the text with the given words:

Improve, words, skills, pronunciation, subject, language

My favourite … is English. It is important to know English because it is the international …  I often read books and watch videos in English. I learn many new … and use a dictionary to check their … I try to … my … every day.

Correct the sentences.

  1. In Maths we read about animals and plants.
  2. In English we work with numbers.
  3. In IT we play sport games.
  4. In Geography we learn about the past.
  5. In Art we sing songs.

 Read the text and complete the timetable:









We have English on Monday and Tuesday. It is always the second lesson of a day. Our first lesson on Monday is Maths and the last is Physical Training. The first lesson on Tuesday is History and the last is Handicraft. The third lesson on Monday is Geography and the fourth is Ukrainian Literature. After English we have World Literature and Maths on Tuesday. On Wednesday we have only four lessons. They are Arts, Maths, Ukrainian Literature and Music.


Тема:Урок фізкультури.

Згідно розкладу за посиланням у групі Viber працюємо у Zoom

в.5 с.177 вивчити слова.

Insert  the appropriate words instead of the gaps.

Valleys, rivers, oceans, the Earth, lake, an island,  contains, the highest,  population, desert,  Geography,  temperate,  forests,  countries,  explorer,  discovered,  earthquakes, mountains, continents

We started studying   Geography   this year. Our teachers tell us a lot of  fun facts

About the …   in the world. …  teaches us about …  , volcanoes, …,  and all kinds

of the things.  We speak about different things in the lessons: the landscapes of our

planet, its …  and plains, …   and seas,   …  and lakes.  We have learned that  

landscapes   are different on  different … . Asia,  North America,  Europe are 

covered with … . The largest  … is the Sahara , in Africa.

              There are … and mountains, oceans, seas, and rivers on … .

              Europe is the sixth largest continent in size and the third largest in … . It is

famous for its   …   climate,  forests and grasslands.

              Asia …  the world’s  most  populous  country, China. The highest point Mount

             Everest is in Asia.

              North America’s three largest countries are Canada, Mexico, and the USA.

            Columbus … this continent, but it was named after an Italian …  Amerigo

             Vespucci. …  Superior, the  largest   fresh-water lake in the world , is on this  

continent. The country of   Greenland is the biggest …  on the planet. 


Тема: Урок англійської мови.

Згідно розкладу за посиланням у групі Viber працюємо у Zoom

  • Do you like to go to school?
  • Do you have a great time at school?
  • Do you speak English at your English lessons?
  • Have you got lessons on Saturday?
  • Do you do experiments at school?
  • Does your teacher speak  English at your English lessons?
  • World Literature                a)  We learn to read, write and speak in our native

                                                  language  correctly;

Match the names of school subjects with their descriptions.

  • World Literature                a)  We learn to read, write and speak in our native

                                                  language  correctly;

             History                              b)  We read a lot of books by the writers from    

                                              our    country;

  • English                              c) We learn to work with numbers, do sums;
  •  Ukrainian Language         d) We learn to read, write and speak in a foreign


  •  Maths                                e) We study the history of different countries of

                                                the world;

  • Ukrainian Literature          f) We learn to sing and understand music;
  • Music                                 g) We read books by the writers from different


  • Handicrafts                         h) We study the nature around us;
  • Physical Training               i) We make things with our own hands;
  •  Nature Studies                  j)  We learn to be strong, play different games.

9 клас


Тема: Міста Великобританії. Кардіф.


в.2 с.218-220 читати.

. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

a) Oxford; b) Coventry;  c)Glasgow;  d) Liverpool;

e) London; f) Edinburgh; g) Manchester; h) Cambridge

1. …is the capital of Great Britain.

2. … is a university town.

3. …is the capital of Scotland.

4. … is the biggest English port in the west.

5. … is the university town.

6. …is the centre of textile industry.

7. … is the city which suffered badly during the World War II.

8. …is the biggest city in Scotland.

Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

1. Scotland lies to … of England.

a) the south;      b) the north;    c) the east.

2. Oxford and Cambridge are … towns.

a) industrial;      b) university;    c) cultural.

3. The textile factories of Manchester … the cloth which is exported to different countries.

a) import;                   b) is made;           c) produce.

4. Glasgow is … large as Edinburgh.

a)  the same;        b) twice as;       c) not as.

5. London is one of the greatest …centres in the world.

a) commercial;     b) green;          c) modern.

6. The City is …of business and financial life of Great Britain.

a) the head;           b) the heart;      c) the corner.

7. England is … of Great Britain.

a)a country;          b) a part;            c) a territory.

8. Birmingham and Coventry are two of the big …centres in England.

a) industrial;          b) textile;           c) agricultural.

9. Edinburgh has … large factories.

a) many;                b) a lot of;           c)no.

10. Manchester is a centre of … industry.

a) textile;               b) chemical;        c) printing.

11. The East End is … of London.

a) “the head”;        b) “the hands”;     c) “the heart”.

12. Many great English scientists …in Westminster Abbey.

a) were born;          b) were buried;     c) are buried.


Тема: Міста Великобританії. Белфаст.


Згідно розкладу за посиланням у групі Viber працюємо у Zoom

 Match the beginning and the end of the sentences

   1. There are in fact 3 cities in London

   2.  London stands on …

   3.  There are 27 bridges …

   4. More than 7 million people …

   5. There are 8 tunnels …

   6. London is 46 kilometers

   7. London is 58 kilometers

                                   a) …the River Thames.

                                   b) …over the River Thames.

                                   c) …live in London.

                                   d) …under the River Thames.

                                   e) …the City, the East End, West End.

                                   f) …from the east to the west.

                                   g) …from the north to the south.

 Match the parts of the questions.:

1. What                                          a) the capital of Scotland or Wales?

2. Where is                                   b) of business and financial life of England?

3. What kind                                c) is London situated on?

4. What is the heart                   d) is the capital of Great Britain?

5. What are                                  e) of city is London?

6. What river                                f) the industrial centres of England?

7. Is Edinburgh                            g) the capital of England situated?                


Тема: Великі міста Великобританії. Манчестер.



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В.3с.220-221 читати; с.222 дати письмово відповіді на запитання.

a) Match the words with their definitions.

1. Fortress                                     a) a story from ancient times.

2. Prison                                        b) large birds of the crow family with shiny

                                                         black feathers.

3. Ravens                                       c) a person who shows tourists around interes-

                                                         ting places.

4. Legend                                      d) a strong building that protected against


5. Guide                                         e) a building where people are kept as a

                                                         punishment for the crime they have


11 клас


Тема:Підготовка до ЗНО.

Згідно розкладу за посиланням у групі Viber працюємо у Zoom

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpkzPAQM73Y розбір пробного ЗНО 2021



2 клас


Тема: Чия це іграшка?

Згідно розкладу за посиланням у групі Viber працюємо у Zoom

в.4 с.83 читати

Whose game is it?-Чия це гра?

It is my game.-Це моя гра.

It is not my game.-Це не моя гра.

It is her game.- Це її гра.

It is not her game.- Це не її гра.

It is his game.-Це його гра.

It is not his game.-Це не його гра.

Зверніть увагу на слова:my-мій, моя, моє./ his-його/ her-її.

Перекласти письмово діалог на укр..мову.

-Whose teddy bear is it?

-It is my teddy bear.

-Whose doll is it?

-It is her doll.

-Whose helicopter is it?

-It is his helicopter.

-Whose ball is it?

-It is not his ball.

-Whose train is it?

-It is not her train.


Тема:Чия це іграшка?.

Згідно розкладу за посиланням у групі Viber працюємо у Zoom

В.4 с.85 читати

Перекласти на укр..мову:

This is my bike. This is not her ball. This is his train. This is not my plane.

Перекласти на англ..мову:

Чия це балерина?-Це моя балерина. Чий це солдат?-Це його солдат. Чия це машина?-Це її машина.


Тема: Моя улюблена іграшка. Опис іграшки.

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Зверніть увагу на запитання та відповідь:

What is your favourite toy?- My favourite toy is…..-Яка твоя улюблена іграшка?- Моя улюблена іграшка є…..

Описати улюблену іграшку за зразком:

This is my favourite toy. This is a teddy bear. It is not big. It is brown. It has got a nose, a mouth , two eyes and two ears. It has got four legs. I like my teddy bear.

3 клас


Тема: Розвиток граматичних навичок. Вживання дієслова  to be  у минулому часі.

Виконати самостійну роботу:

1 Завдання

Поставити am/is/are в речення. Утворити запитальні та заперечні речення.

He….a good boy.

The  drivers ….clever.

My mother and I …..at home.

Olena…..at school.

My friend….in a café.

2 Завдання.

Перекласти речення на англ..мову.

Вони були у зоопаркі.

Ми не були у кафе.

Ти був на гральному майданчику?

Я не була в Англії.

Він був в Україні?

3 Завдання.

Поставити в правильному порядку слова та утворити речення.

1. happy/yesterday/you/were?

2.parents/angry/ were / yesterday/ your/not/.



Тема:Ми любимо мультфільми.

Згідно розкладу за посиланням у групі Viber працюємо у Zoom

1)В.1 с.117 нові слова.

2)В.2 с.117 читати

3) Письмово перекласти речення на укр..мову:

1.My favourite cartoon is “ Frozen Heart”. 2. I don’t like to watch Angry Birds.

3. My brother watches Spiderman every morning. 4.Is your favourite cartoon Shrek or Ice age?

4) Відгадай про якого героя йде мова в реченні:

Kotyhoroshko, Little Red Riding Hood, Harry Potter, Winnie-the-Pooh.

1. This book is about a little but strong Ukrainian boy. Who is this?...........

2. This is a story about a boy who went to a school for magicians. Who is this?....

3. This is a story about a bear. Who is this?.....

4.This book is about a girl who went to visit her granny and saw a wolf in the forest. Who is this?...


Тема:Розвиток граматичних навичок. Вживання з’єднувальних слів.

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And-і, та

Or- чи

But- але

Вставити пропущені  слова : with/ and/or/ but  в речення.

In winter children can skate…..ski. Vlad can play football …..he cannot play badminton. Do you like watching TV……listening music? Do you like winter….summer? It was very cloudy yesterday…. it was not rainy. In summer we swim…. sunbathed on the beach. I like to play….my friend.

4 клас


Тема:День гумору.

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В.3 с.98 вставити пропущені запитання із вправи 2с.98

В.1б с.99-100 читати


Тема: Улюблені свята.

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В.1 с.119 прочитати текст. В.2 с.119 Визначити чи відповідає речення прочитаному тексту чи ні.

6 клас


Тема: Розвиток граматичних навичок. Вживання теперішнього простого часу.

I.         Make the sentences negative and interrogative.

  1. We study French.
  2. Your sister has English lessons every day.
  3. You get up at 7 o’clock.
  4. The girl likes to spend her free time in the yard.
  5. He speaks Chinese very well.
  6. Her parents spend much time at work.

IV.     Fill in the blanks with do or does.

  1. … you know Spanish?
  2. My friend … not come to school in time.
  3. My mum and I … not like coffee.
  4.  … Oksana swim well?
  5.  … my parents go to work every day?
  6. They … not swim in winter.
  1. Translate the following into English.
  1. Моя сімя живе у Львові.
  2. Він добре говорить англійською мовою.
  3. Моя сестра- студентка.
  4. Де Олег?- Він у бібліотеці.
  5. Ми не ходимо до школи щодня.
  6. Ти робиш уроки увечері?- Так.

22.04 2021

Тема:Урок географії.

Згідно розкладу за посиланням у групі Viber працюємо у Zoom

в.4 с.165 читати

в.1 с.167 вивчити слова

в2 с.168 письмово.


Тема: Урок географії. День Джейн.

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В.2 с.171 письмово

В.3 с.172 читати.

С.173 письмовий переклад

9 клас.


Тема: Унікальне місто- Лондон.

Прочитати текст та дати відповіді на запитання:

London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and cultural centre. It’s one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is more than 8 million people. London is situated on the river Thames. It was founded more than two thousand years ago.

London is an ancient city. It appeared at the place where the Roman invaders decided to build a bridge over the Thames. There are four parts in London: West End, East End, the City and Westminster.

The City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business centre. There are many offices, companies and banks in this part of the capital.

Westminster is also important part of the capital. It’s an aristocratic part and administrative centre of London. The Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British Government, are there.

West End, the richest and most beautiful part of London. It is the symbol of wealth and luxury. The best hotels, shops, restaurants, clubs, and theatres are situated there.

East End, an industrial district of the capital. Most of plants and factories are situated there.

LondonBigBenAlso known as Big Ben, the officially named Elizabeth Tower was completed in 1858. A renowned landmark of London, it’s found next to the Houses of Parliament, which makes it just about the most important building in the area. Big Ben is an excellent timekeeper, which has rarely stopped. The name Big Ben actually refers not to the clock-tower itself, but to the thirteen ton bell hung within. The bell was named after the first commissioner of works, Sir Benjamin Hall.

LondonTowerBridgeBuilt between 1886 - 1894, Tower Bridge crosses the River Thames and is an iconic symbol of London. It takes its name from the closely located Tower of London. Not to be confused with London Bridge, the next bridge upstream.

Houses of Parliament. The Houses of Parliament, known as The Palace of Westminster, stands on the site where Edward the Confessor had the original palace built in the first half of the 11 century. The Palace of Westminster has been home to the English Parliament.

1. What do you know about London?

2. What parts is London traditionally divided into?

3. What do you know about City, Westminster, West End, East End?

4. What is Big Ben? What do you know about it?

5. What do you know about Tower Bridge and Houses of Parliament?

6. Who is the Queen? What do you know about her?

7. What is “a red double-decker”?


Тема: Унікальне місто –Лондон.

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Прочитати та перекласти діалоги:

Dialogue 1
-How do you like London?
- Oh, it’s beautiful.
- Yes. I think it’s one of the most interesting and unusual cities in the world.
- Oh, yesterday I saw the Houses of Parliament, heard the voice of Big Ben, and visited the famous Tower.
- Have you visited Westminster Abbey?
- Not yet. What is famous for?
- It is the royal church.
-How can I get there?
- By bus or just walk.

Dialogue 2
- Where did you go yesterday?
- I went to the tower of London.
- Oh, it’s great! I am sure that you really enjoyed your visit.
- Yes. I visited all the museums. I watched the Puppet Show about old days of the Tower of London. It was funny.
- Did you visit the Jewel Room?
- Yes, of course. I had watched an interesting video before I went there. It was exciting!
- Did you go to the Bloody Tower?
- Yes, I did. It’s a terrible place and I wanted to feed the black ravens with my sandwiches, but the Raven Master didn’t let me do that.

  • Quiz. Вибрати правильну відповідь:

1. Big Ben is

a) a radio tone;
b) a famous clock;
c) a famous church.

2. Buckingham Palace is…

a) a home of Royal Family;
b) a place of interest;
c) a fine cathedral.

3.Westminster Abbey is a large

a) cathedral;
b) palace;
c) church.

4.The Tower of London was…

a) a prison, a church and a cathedral;
b) a fortress, a prison, a palace;
c) a tower, a prison and a palace.

5.Ravens must live in

a) Westminster Abbey;
b)The Tower of London;
c) Tower Bridge.

6. London stands on the river

a) Dnipro;

b) Severn;

c) Thames.

7. The Great fire of London was in

a) 1666;

b) 1777;

c) 1888.

8. The name of architect who built St. Paul’s Cathedral is

a) Sir Charles Barry;

b) Sir Christopher Wren;

c) Sir Christopher Harry

9. Which of these places is NOT in London?

a) The Tower;

b) Nelson’s Column;

c) Times Square

10. The oldest building in London is…

a) The Houses of Parliament;

b) The Tower of London;

c) The British Museum


Тема: Великі міста Великобританії. Единбург.

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Вставити пропущені слова: offers, six, 16th, 1511, 15th,1100s,fortress, buildings, landmark.

Edinburgh Castle

A majestic ____________which dominates the capital city’s skyline just as it has dominated Scotland’s long and colourful history. Edinburgh Castle is the best known and most visited of historical Scotland’s ___________. Perched on an extinct volcano and offering stunning views, this instantly recognizable _________ is a powerful national symbol, and part of Edinburgh’s World Heritage Site.

A rich mix of architectural styles reflects the castle’s complex history and role as both stronghold and seat of kings. The tiny St. Margaret’s Chapel, Edinburgh’s oldest building, dates from the __________. Crown Square, the principal courtyard, was developed in the ________century, the Great Hall with its impressive hammer-beam roof was built by James IV in ________. The Half Moon Battery was created in the late _______century; and the Scottish National War memorial was added after the First World War.

  Castle stewards provide guided tours and there is also an audio tour in _______ languages.

11 клас.


Тема:Підготовка до ЗНО

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1 клас


Тема: У кавярні.

1. Прослухай аудіозапис до впр 1 ст. 102, вивчи подані слова та запиши до зошита.

2. Прочитай вправу 3 ст. 102

3. Запиши міні - діалог за зразком впр 4 ст. 103


   - Give me an ice cream and pizza, please.

   - Here you are.

   - Thank you.


Тема: Вдома.

1. Прослухай аудіозапис до впр 1 ст. 104, вивчи подані слова та запиши до зошита.

2. Виконай картку- вставити першу літеру.

1. __ 2. __   3. __     4. __    5. ___     6.__

3. Прочитай впр 3 ст. 104.

4. Вибери серед поданих слів слова з звуком [əʊ] і запиши.

Not, nose, go, fond, dog, hole, so, pot.

4 клас


Тема: Школа у Британії.

1. Пригадай назви шкільних предметів за поданим посиланням. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnZxeX_8mVk&t=2s

2. Прочитай текст впр 1 ст. 104

3. Виконай вправу 2, ст 104 та впр 5 ст. 105


Тема: Я – школяр.

1. Попрацюй з підручником впр 1,2 ст. 106.

2. Виконай подані завдання.

A) Complete the text with the words from the box.

a week, start, play together, breakfast, everyday life, friend, by, junior, o’clock, leaves, gets on well

   Mark is my British 1) ___. He is 10 and he goes to 2)____school. He wrote to me about his 3)____. Mark usually gets up at 7 4)__. He has 5) ___ and 6) __ for school. He goes to school 7) ___ school bus. The lessons 8) ___ at 8/30. The students of Mark’s class usually have 5 lessons five days  9) ___. His favourite lessons are Maths and
PE. He 10) ___ with the children in his class. They usually 11) ___ after classes.

B) write if  the sentences are true or false.

1. Mark is from Ukraine.

2. Mark is 12 years old.

3. He usually gets up at 8/30.

4. Mark goes to school by bus.

5. He usually has 25 lessons a week.

6. Mark likes Maths.

7. Mark hasn’t got friends in his class.

5 клас


Тема: Контрольна робота з теми «Свята і традиції»


Тема:Шкільне життя. Предмети шкільного вжитку.

1. Опрацюй матеріал впр 1 ст. 184 та запиши до словника.


2. Виконай письмово впр 1,4 ст. 185


Тема: Шкільні навчальні предмети.

1.  Повтори лексичний матеріал теми впр 1ст. 187 та підпиши малюнки.


2. Виконай впр 2 ст. 187.

3. Виготовити креативний розклад своїх уроків.

7 клас


Тема: Контрольна робота з теми «Великобританія»


Тема: Легенда про Київ.

1. Опрацюй лексичний матеріал теми ст. 142, запиши до словнику.

2.Виконай завдання

 Choose a need word: 

            Museum, cinema, gallery, café, bank, library, zoo, post office

A place where you can see animals. –

A place where you can watch films.-

A place where you can see old things.-

A place where you can see pictures.-

A place where you can eat.-

A place where you can send a letter.-

A place where you can take money.-

A place where you can take books.-

3. Прочитай текст впр 3 ст. 143 та викоанй вправу 4 ст. 143.


Тема: Легенда про Київ. Структура So as

1. Згадай, що ти пам’ятаєш про Київ та виконай завдання.

Tick the correct sentences.

_____ Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine.

_____ Kyiv is small town.

_____ Kyiv stands on the River Thames.

_____ There are seven bridges over the Dnipro River.

_____There is Tower Bridge in Kyiv.

_____ There are many places of interest in our capital.

_____ You may walk along Khreshchatyk Street in Kyiv.

_____ The Golden Gate and Andriivsky Uzviz are in London.

_____ There is Independence Square in Kyiv.

_____ You can see Nelson’s Column in Independence Square.

2. Опрацюй граматичний матеріал теми ст. 143

3. Виконай впр 6а,б ст. 144

8 клас


Тема: Київ – столиця України.

1. Переглянь відео


2. Виконай подані вправи

АTick the correct sentences.

_____ Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine.

_____ Kyiv is small town.

_____ Kyiv stands on the River Thames.

_____ There are seven bridges over the Dnipro River.

_____There is Tower Bridge in Kyiv.

_____ There are many places of interest in our capital.

_____ You may walk along Khreshchatyk Street in Kyiv.

_____ The Golden Gate and Andriivsky Uzviz are in London.

_____ There is Independence Square in Kyiv.

_____ You can see Nelson’s Column in Independence Square.

ВWrite the words in the correct order to make sentences:

  1. famous\ is\ Kyiv\ its\ parks\ for\ attractive.
  2. year\ visit\ Kyiv\ people\ every\ system\A lot of.
  3. Has\ transport\ city\ well- developed\ The\ a\ system.
  4. Are\ many\ galleries\ Kyiv\ in\ art\There.
  5. proud\ capital\ Ukrainians\ of\ are\ there.


Тема: Визначні місця Києва.

1. Переглянь відео https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWE11x0AUP4

2. Виконай наступні завдання.

А) Make up the word – combinations:

  1. Independence a) Lavra
  2. Mariyinskiy b)Church
  3. St. Andrew`s c) Square
  4. The Kyiv- Pecherska d) Palace
  5. Khreshchatyk e) Gate
  6. St. Sophia`s f) Street
  7. The Golden g) Cathedral

В) Read and complete the text with the sentences (A-D).

The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv.

     It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. (1 )....... More than three million people live there. The streets of Kyiv are beautiful. They are lined with chestnut trees, lime trees and poplars. (2) ..... Kyiv is the political, economic, scientific, industrial and cultural centre of Ukraine. It has a lot of museums, art galleries, concert halls, theatres and cinemas. ( 3 ) .....Kyiv is also famous for its attractive parks. The city has a well-developed transport system. (4 )....... There is also an underground, a railway station, an airport and a river port.

A The chestnut tree is a symbol of Kyiv.

B Many buses, minibuses, trolley-buses, trams and cars carry passengers around the city.

C Kyiv is located on the picturesque banks of the Dnipro River.

D They are very popular with tourists.


Тема: Біля карти України.

1. Виконай тест за посиланням https://naurok.com.ua/test/join?gamecode=8880922

2. Згадай, що запам’ятав про Київ та виконай тест


10 клас


Тема: Контрольна робота з теми «Спорт»


Тема: Людина і суспільство

1. Опрацюй ЛО на ст 226

2. Прочитай впр 2 ст. 224-225 та доповни картку впр 1.

3. Викоанй письмово впр 3,4, ст.

16.04. 3Б клас Моя улюблена книжка https://us05web.zoom.us/j/89747624547?pwd=cEZmYlFycTBWbGtBcG5uT05jTVdtUT09

16.04.6клас Розклад уроків. https://us05web.zoom.us/j/84824125325?pwd=cHhhR2FBQU1IaWgvRFdOSFRXOHcxQT09

16.04. 3А клас Моя улюблена книга. https://us05web.zoom.us/j/81036545051?pwd=bWdmTGMzNVNPclhyOGw1RDZ4VCtMUT09

15.04.11кл. Підготовка до ЗНО. https://us05web.zoom.us/j/83249356790?pwd=VVBlRWRpQTBHUnU3WHl6b041VUYzZz09

15.04. 2 А Наші іграшки. https://us05web.zoom.us/j/82220496752?

14.04. 4 Б Свята у травні. https://us05web.zoom.us/j/87392454730?pwd=ZlkwdWlRMjBkeXhjMUMvc3J2a2lRQT09

14.04.3А Наші захоплення. https://us05web.zoom.us/j/83249356790?pwd=VVBlRWRpQTBHUnU3WHl6b041VUYzZz09

14.04. 3Б Наші захоплення.https://us05web.zoom.us/j/82020266069?pwd=d1NYVWxPcjlXNjgyblBYNFpDYytsZz09


14.04. 9 кл. Розвиток граматичних навичок. https://us05web.zoom.us/j/85312325108?pwd=YVBiTG5VQVZSMjVUaUxiTjRSbmVqdz09

15.04.9 кл. Урок узагальнення знань з теми " Великобританія". https://us05web.zoom.us/j/81328266642?pwd=ekFsbW1aYnNiRVFEVCtxbGJhWlNaUT09

15.04. 6 кл. Шкільні предмети. https://us05web.zoom.us/j/81606760851?pwd=YUsxYUVQbmNlM1BaMWhFemE5a213QT09

14.04. 9 кл. Розвиток граматичних навичок. https://us05web.zoom.us/j/85312325108?pwd=YVBiTG5VQVZSMjVUaUxiTjRSbmVqdz09

5.04.9 кл. Урок узагальнення знань з теми " Великобританія".https://us05web.zoom.us/j/81328266642?pwd=ekFsbW1aYnNiRVFEVCtxbGJhWlNaUT09

6 клас історія 15.04.посиланняhttps://us05web.zoom.us/j/84469399893?pwd=YTNlclkvV0pxUTl2ZWw5RzJJWXlKQT09

13.04. 2А У мене є машинка. https://us05web.zoom.us/j/85640768438?pwd=K0U3MGtla1lHbkU4dFAxU2dwcS9zQT09

13.04. 3б Наші захоплення https://us05web.zoom.us/j/85498115111?pwd=TUphUThDL2IrVldCbUR0REk2YmNHQT09

12.04. 2 клас Time for fun https://us05web.zoom.us/j/84527648034?pwd=UVNSNTdKc2xpdDNhRHVMTVlNUGZZQT09

16.04.11клас Підготовка до ЗНО https://us05web.zoom.us/j/85904699818?pwd=V2ZvNzMwb2l5UkpNOTA1dEg2T2x3Zz09

2 клас


Тема: Time for fun. У тебе є дві машинки. Утворення запитальних речень з дієсловом to be у теперішньому часі.

Згідно розкладу за посиланням у групі Viber працюємо у Zoom


Письмово вставити am/is/are та утворити запитальні речення.

Правило: щоб утворити запитальне речення, треба am/is/are  перенести на перше місце в реченні. Наприклад,  He is old.- Is he old?/ We are smart.-Are we smart?

1.My school….big.

2. We… funny.

3.My mother… nice.

4.My teacher …. clever.

5.I… tall.

6.My children…young.

Читати: в.44 с.77( Буквосполучення –oor/-our читаємо [o])



Тема:У мене є машинка.Утворення заперечних речень з дієсловом to be у теперішньому часі.

Згідно розкладу за посиланням у групі Viber працюємо у Zoom

Vocabulary( словничок):

A doll-лялька

A toy- іграшка

A ball-м’яч

A plane- літак

A train-потяг

A car-машина

Читати: в.4 с.79 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6Ve2Qmp7-0

Правило: щоб утворити заперечне речення, потрібно після am/is/are поставити заперечну частку not. Наприклад, She is not a sister/ We are not friends.

Поставити am/is/are та утворити заперечні речення.

1.Tom…..a good boy

2.She …. Listening

3.Our friends….clever


5.We… good friends

6.Sam….a funny boy


Тема: Наші іграшки.

Згідно розкладу за посиланням у групі Viber працюємо у Zoom



A clown- клоун

A monster -монстер

A soldier- солдатик

A ballerina- балерина

A teddy bear- іграшковий ведмедик

A helicopter -вертоліт


Читати: в.4 с.81

Перекласти на укр..мову речення:

1.I have got  bricks.2. She has not a doll 3.We have a plane and a train.

4. Has he a clown? 5.Have you a teddy bear?

3 клас


Тема:Наші захоплення.

Згідно розкладу за посиланням у групі Viber працюємо у Zoom

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vs3RwKjtd1I перегляньте відео урок

В.1 с.113 читати


Reading books-читати книжки

Taking photos-робити фотографії

Riding a bike- їздити на велосипеді

Watching TV- дивитися телевізор

Listening to musicслухати музику



Cooking- готувати

Playing computer games-грати в комп’ютерні ігри

Playing football-грати у футбол

Перекласти речення на англ. мову:

1.Я люблю слухати музику.

2.Я люблю дивитися телевізор.

3. Я люблю читати книжки та робити фотографії.

4.Я люблю їздити на велосипеді та готувати.

5. Я люблю танцювати та грати у футбол.


Тема:Наші захоплення.

Згідно розкладу за посиланням у групі Viber працюємо у Zoom


Playing the piano-грати на піаніно

Making models planes-робити моделі літаків

What is your hobby?- Яке твоє хобі?

Can you tell me?-Можеш сказати мені?

Перекласти речення на укр.мову:

1.I like playing the piano

2.I don’t like making models planes

3. I like cooking and dancing.

4.I don’t like watching TV but I like listening to music.

5.My sister likes taking photos and painting.


Тема: Моя улюблена книжка

Згідно розкладу за посиланням у групі Viber працюємо у Zoom

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-u589IV_Eg перегляньте відеоурок

В. 1,2 с.115 читати

Доповнити речення відповідними хобі  та перекласти речення на укр.мову.

1. Mary has got many books at home. Her hobby is….

2.My father watches many films. His hobby is…

3.My mum has got a very good camera. Her hobby is..

4. I have got a good computer. My hobby is…

5.Jack’s father has got a sports bike. His hobby is…

6. Polly has got many songs in her mobile phone. Her hobby is…

4 Б класс


Тема:Чайна вечірка.


В.2 с.92 читати та перекладати; в.3 с.92 письмово дати відповіді на запитання.


Тема: Свята у травні.


Вивчити: to meet new friends – зустрічати нових друзів

To talk-говорити

To laugh- сміятися

To sing songs- співати пісні

To dance- танцювати

To play games- грати в ігри

May Day-Перше травня

Mothers Day-День матері

Victory Day-День Перемоги

Fancy Dress Party- карнавал

To celebrate-святкувати

Письмово перекласти речення на укр.мову та звернути увагу на їх утворення.

1.Ukrainian people are going to celebrate May Day on the first of May.

2.Ukrainian people are going to celebrate Mother’s Day on the fourth of May.

3.Ukrainian people are going to celebrate Victory Day on the ninth of May.

4.Children are going to celebrate Fancy Dress Party on the twentieth of May.

6 клас


Тема: Урок узагальнення знань з теми « Київ- столиця України».

  1. Make up the word – combinations:
  1. Independence                 a)Lavra
  2. Mariyinskiy                        b)Church
  3. St. Andrew`s                      c) Square
  4. The Kyiv- Pecherska         d) Palace
  5. Khreshchatyk                    e) Gate
  6. St. Sophia`s                        f) Street
  7. The Golden                        g) Cathedral

2.Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?

  1. Kyiv is situated in Western Europe.
  2. Kyiv was founded 2000 years ago.
  3. Many historic places, buildings, monuments in Kyiv were built in the 16 century.
  4. More than 4 mln people live in Kyiv.
  5. The Verkhovna Rada is in Kyiv.
  6. Khreschatyk Street looks like a park.
  7. Khreshchatyk Street   is the main street in our capital.  
  8. The National Academy of Sciences is in Lviv.
  9. Kyiv was founded by Prince Danylo Halytsky.
  10. Kyiv stands on the left bank of the Dnipro.

3.Write the words in the correct order to make sentences:

  1. famous\ is\ Kyiv\ its\ parks\ for\ attractive.
  2. year\ visit\ Kyiv\ people\ every\   system\A lot of.
  3. Has\ transport\ city\ well- developed\ The\ a\ system.
  4. Are\ many\ galleries\ Kyiv\ in\ art\There.
  5. proud\ capital\ Ukrainians\ of\ are\ there.

4.Complete the text: university, people, political, proud, beautiful, river, cinemas, flowers,capital,street, founded.

Kyiv is the … of our country. It is the largest … in Ukraine. More than three million … live there. Kyiv was … more than 1500 years ago. It is the … , economic, industrial and cultural centre of our country. There are many museums, monuments, … and palaces in Kyiv. Thousands of students study at Kyiv – Mohyla academy, at Kyiv Shevchenko National … , many institutes and colleges. Kiev is situated on the … Dnipro. It is one of the most … cities of Ukraine. We are … that our capital is one of the best cities in the world. Khreschatyk is the main  … in Kyiv. The city is very green because there are many nice trees and … there. 

За кожне завдання по 3 бали.


Тема:Шкільні предмети.

Згідно розкладу за посиланням у групі Viber працюємо у Zoom

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7bl41KF_a8 перегляньте відеоурок

 Try to guess what subject it is?

  • Riddle 1: We speak, write, sing songs and play games at this lesson. What lesson is it?
  • Riddle 2: We count, do sums, write and answer at this lesson. What lesson is it?
  • Riddle 3: We do sports, play games, run and jump at this lesson. What lesson is it?
  • Riddle 4: We listen to Music and sing songs at this lesson. What lesson is it?
  • Riddle 5: We read books, learn poems and speak at this lesson. What lesson is it?

в.1 с.160-вивчити та записати слова в словник;  в.3.с161 письмово перекласти.


Тема: Розклад уроків.

Згідно розкладу за посиланням у групі Viber працюємо у Zoom

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDjVoYLbMh8 перегляньте відеоурок

в.5 с.162 письмово

Читати: P1- How many lessons do you have on Monday?

P2-We have 6 lessons. What about you?

P1- Oh Monday is the most difficult day for me because there 6 lessons on the timetable: Math,Biology,P.E., Handicraft, Ukrainian language and English.

P2- What subjects are you good at?

P1-Im good at P.E. because I can run, jump and do exercises best of all. What about your timetable?

P2- My easiest day is Friday. This day we have six lessons: history, music, geography, Russian literature, English and music. I like to learn poems by heart and to read a lot.

9 клас


Тема:Чудеса Великобританії.


Match the two parts of the sentences

  1. Piccadilly Circus is                                            a) is situated in the centre of   

                                                                                     Trafalgar Square                                                      

  1. Hyde Park is                                                       b) the oldest building in London.
  2. The monument to Admiral Nelson                     c) about 6 million books.
  3. The British Museum contains                             d) the biggest church in England.
  4. The Tower of London is                                     e) in Westminster Abbey.
  5. All English kings and queens were crowned      f) the centre of night life in      


  1. St. Paul’s Cathedral is                                         g) famous for its Speakers    Corner.

Відгадати на написати про яке визначне місце йде мова.

1. It is a square in the central part of London. London’s well-known theatres and cinemas are there. This is the square that is round, not square like many other places.

2. It is the oldest building. Since it was built in 11-th century, this castle has been a royal palace, a prison, a zoo and many others. Today it is a museum and houses the Crown Jewels.

3. It is a historic building in London. It was founded in the 11-th century. Many  Britain’s famous people are buried in the abbey.

4.It is in the centеr of the West End. On the north side there is the National Gallery, in the north-east corner there is the National Portrait Gallery and in the centеr there is Nelson’s Column  with a figure of a great seaman.

5. It is the greatest work of England’s greatest architect, Christopher Wren. The Cathedral was begun in1675. It was opened in1697 but was finished only in 1710, when Wren was almost 80 years old.  Some famous men of England have got their memorials there. 

6. It is the place, where British Queen and her family live. In front of the palace there is the Monument to Queen Victoria.

7. It’s official name is the Palace of Westminster. It is the place where the members of British Parliament work.


Тема: Розвиток граматичних навичок.

Згідно розкладу за посиланням у групі Viber працюємо у Zoom

Put the words the correct order to make up sentences:

1. In/ many/the/London/ kings/of/ lived/ Tower.

2.Masters/ care/of/ ravens/ the/ raven/takes/ black.

3.Is/today/a/museum/the/London/ wonderful/ Tower/ of.

4.Thames/has/ of/ river/ bridges/ the/ lots.

Open the brackets using the Present Perfect Tense:


  1. My brother   has invented   (invent) a new drink. Do you want to try it?
  2. I'm tired. I________ (work) really hard this week.

3  My uncle_______ (move) to a new house. He lives in Bridge Avenue now.

4  Inga's got an excellent holiday job. She (earn) £300 this week.

5  Paul________ (travel) all over the world. He speaks lots of languages.

6  We________ (try) to help him but he doesn't want our help.

7  Katie is always busy now because she_ (start) her new course.

8  They________ (decide) to go and live in Australia.

9  I'm really angry because somebody__ (open) my letter from Josh.

10___________ We          (look) this word up in the dictionary but we still don't understand it.

11. We _________(do) a lot of work. So we can be free now.

12. Her father_______(return) from New York. You can talk to him.


Тема:Урок узагальнення знань з теми» Великобританія»

1. Answer the questions.

1. How many parts does Great Britain consist of?

2. What are their names?

3. What is Great Britain surrounded by?

4. Where are the mountains situated?

5. Is the weather often foggy and rainy in Great Britain?

6. What is the capital of Great Britain?

2. Translate into English

  1. Лондон – це  великий індустріальний і культурний центр
  2. Вестмінстер – діловий центр Лондона.
  3. Люди Вельсу дуже люблять співати
  4. Цей острів складається з трьох  частин і омивається трьома морями.

3. Finish the sentences

Big Ben is………………………
2) Buckingham Palace is………….
3) Westminster Abbey is………….
4) The tower of London was………
5) Ravens must live ……………….
6) London stands on the river ……..
7) The Great Fire in London was in….
8) The name of architect who built St. Paul’s Cathedral is…….
9) Which of these places is Not in London?     
10) The oldest building in London is….…………………………….

V.Read the text, fill in A, B or C

I (1) ___ in Dallas, Texas. I do not remember (2) ___ of my childhood, but my mother said I was a very active and (3) ___ child. I liked (4) ___ a lot and my parents bought me (5) ___ new book every week. (6) ___ school I was very hard-working and got (7) ___ marks almost in all subjects. After (8) ___ school I decided to apply for college. I want to be a lawyer and help people (9) ___ different legal issues. My family is not very (10) ___ so I found a part-time       (11) ___. I don’t get much, but still it is enough to pay for my (12) ___.



is born


be born


was born

















































to finish




























to live

11 клас

15.04.2021- 16.04.2021

Згідно розкладу за посиланням у групі Viber працюємо у Zoom

Тема: Підготовка до ЗНО


1 клас


Тема: Який сьогодні день? Розвиток навичок усної взаємодії. Дні тижня.

1. Переглянь відео та запам’ятай назви тижнів. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G65AU1Q4qI0

2. Прослухай і повтори вірш впр 2 ст. 98

3. Виконай подане завдання: поєднай стрілочкою.

Monday                        вівторок

Tuesday                        середа

Wednesday                   понеділок

Thursday                       п’ятниця

Friday                            четвер

Saturday                        неділя

Sunday                          субота

4. Прочитай впр 5 ст. 99. Запиши  подані речення та підкресли слова з звуком [i] зеленим кольором. Bill is six. His pig is big.


Тема: Меню. Складання свого меню.

1. Прослухай аудіо та познач правильні малюнки. Впр 2,ст. 100

2. Розглянь впр 3 ст. 100 та скажи за зразком

It’s Monday. We eat soup and bread, rice, sausages, a cup of tea and an apple.

3. Прослухай аудіо та прочитай впр 5 ст. 101.

4. Склади своє меню за допомогою малюнків на день.

4 клас


Тема: Готуємось до свята.

1. Опрацюй ЛО уроку ст. 100, 102.

2. Повтори вживання Present Perfect та виконай впр 2,ст. 102

3. Порівняй вживання часів Present Simple, Present Perfect та Past Simple, виконай впр 3,ст.102


Тема: Контрольна робота з теми «Свята і традиції» (виконати за посиланням)

5 клас


Тема: Свята в Україні.

1. Згадай правила вживання прийменників in, on, at та виконай вправу.

___ Monday, ____ winter, _____ 2005, ___ night, ____ September, _____ 2d of May, ____ the weekend.

2. Прочитай впр 2, ст. 177 та виконай письмово впр 3,ст. 177.

3. Напиши коротку розповідь про святкування Нового року в нашій країні.


Тема: Святкування Пасхи в Україні та Великій Британії. Past Simple.

1. Прочитай текст та вибери правильну відповідь до запитання.

     On the day before the Easter we get out our Easter baskets, and plastic milk cartoons decorated to look like rabbits. When all the baskets are set on the table, we get out the bags of Easter sweets we bought. Then we stand in a line. Each person takes a bag of sweets and puts a sweet into each basket until all the bags are empty. The next day we deliver the baskets to our friends and neighbours.

 Choose the correct answer.

1. One day before …. We get out our Easter baskets.

a) Easter                  b) Christmas

2. Plastic milk cartoons decorated to look like ..

a) hamsters                b) rabbits.

3. All the baskets are set on the ….

a) desk                    b) table

4. The _____ day we deliver the baskets to our friends and neighbours.

a) next                      b) last

2. Згадай правило вживання Past Simple та виконай впр. 3 ст. 179


Тема: Повторення вивченого матеріалу. Позакласне читання.

1. Прочитай текст вправи 2 ст. 180.

2. Виконай післятекстові вправи: 3,4 ст. 182

7 клас


Тема: З історії Лондона.
1. Пригадай правило вживання структури So/ Neither та виконай тест https://naurok.com.ua/test/join?gamecode=8000565

2. Прочитай текст та виконай вправи.

The Tower of London

In the past the Tower of London served as a royal palace, a fortress and a prison. Today it is a wonderful museum. Black ravens meet tourists there. They have lived here for centuries. The Raven Master takes care of the ravens. He gives them meat in the morning and in the evening. The old legend says that if the ravens are lost or fly away, the Crown will fall and Britain with it. You can also see “Beefeaters” in their traditional Tudor uniforms in the Tower of London. They usually tell the visitors a lot of interesting things about the Tower of London.

А) Read and order the sentences according to the text .

 ..... You can also see “Beefeaters” in their traditional Tudor uniforms.

 ..... Many kings lived in the Tower of London.

..... The Raven Master takes care of the black ravens.

..... Today the Tower of London is a wonderful museum.

В) Complete the sentences.

1.......gives the black ravens meat in the morning and in the evening.

2. According to the legend .....will fall without ravens in it.

3. Today the Tower of London is a wonderful.......

4....... lived in the Tower of London.


Тема: З історії Лондона.

1. Прочитайте тексти та доберіть заголовки.

A Buckingham Palace

B St. Paul’s Cathedral

C Westminster Abbey

1. It is a royal church. It is more than 900 years old. It is situated not far from the Houses of Parliament. It was founded in 1050 as a monastery, but later it was rebuilt. There are tombs of nearly all the kings and queens of Britain there. The Abbey is the symbol of English traditions. One of the treasures of the Abbey is the ancient Coronation Chair.

 2. This cathedral is the most famous of all English architecture. It dates back to the 17th century. It has the second largest ring of bells in the world. Inside the cathedral you can see many monuments to generals and admirals. The cathedral is famous for its Whispering Gallery.  

3. The palace is the official London residence of the Queen and her family. Above the State Entrance is the central balcony where the Royal Family appear on occasions of national holidays. The palace is like a small town with a police station, two post offices, a hospital, two sports clubs, a cinema and a swimming pool.

2.Згадай правила вживання фрази to be going to/ Future Simple  та виконай тест за посиланням.



Тема: Музеї Лондона

1. Опрацюй матеріал підручника ст. 133 впр 2.

2. Виконай впр 4,ст. 135 та впр 5б ст 136

8 клас


Тема: Тренувальні вправи на повторення граматичних структур.

1. Згадаймо правило вживання артиклю a/an/thе для цього тобі допоможе відео. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYmhXkaDoF8


2. Виконай тест за посиланням



Тема: Тренувальні вправи на повторення граматичних структур.

1. Опрацюй матеріал відео https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCjP8-jiAGA

2. Виконай тест за посиланням https://www.liveworksheets.com/an26755vt


Тема: Любіть Україну.

1. Згадай, що ти пам'ятаєш про Україну та виконай вправи

a) Match the following words.

1. climate

a) the official line that separates two countries.

2. continent

b) one of the people who live in a particular place.

3. island

c) a large mass of land surrounded by sea.

4. strait

d) the typical weather conditions in a particular area.

5. border

e) a narrow passage of water between two areas of land, usually connecting two seas

6. territory

f) a particular part of a country, town

7. population

g) the number of people living in a particular area, country

8. inhabitant

h) a piece of land completely surrounded by water

9. area

i) the land of a particular type or the land that is owned or controlled by a particular state

b) Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

population, climate , situated, washed, boundaries, territory, area, country

  Ukraine is _____ in the southeastern part of Central Europe.

  Its _______ separate it from Russia, Belarus, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Moldova and Romania. The ______ of our country is about 39 million people. Ukraine is ____ by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov in the South. Mountains cover only 5% of the whole _____ of Ukraine. The _____ in Ukraine is moderate – continental in general, but subtropical in the Southern Crimea.

10 клас


Тема: Віддані вболівальники. Практикування у складанні письмових висловлювань

1. Опрацюй матеріал підручника ст. 212-213

2. Усно викоанй впр 1а,б ст. 212

3. Напиши власне есе за темою поданною у впр 8 ст. 215.


Тема: Активізація мовного та мовленнєвого матеріалу.

1. Виконай тест за посиланням https://www.liveworksheets.com/fy242gc

2. Повтори матеріал теми за вправами 1,2 ст. 216.

3.Повтори граматичний матеріал попередніх уроків та виконай тест https://www.liveworksheets.com/uv164619lc

2 клас 06.04 Чи люблять зебри фрукти?


3клас 06.04 Яка була погода?


3 клас 07.04. Вдягни светр. Дієслово to be у минулому часі


9клас 07.04. Великобританія сьогодніhttps://us05web.zoom.us/j/84733447339?pwd=Q1FNTmN5ajZkdHpHbTh6Ui9wY3FoQT09

11 клас 08.04 Підготовка до ЗНО https://us05web.zoom.us/j/89390470196?pwd=Ylg5d3pJVmhBeHNWVzZtUzZieWtBZz09

6 клас 08.04.2021р. Дитячі подорожі.https://us05web.zoom.us/j/83067806837?pwd=RVI3TXJudlhMUnBLVk0xY2lFMm51Zz09

9 клас 08.04. Великобританія сьогодні https://us05web.zoom.us/j/81933915792?pwd=YzJyUmJxclBOaWJZN2ZKOUJHMEdVZz09

2 клас 08.04. Розвиток граматичних навичок https://us05web.zoom.us/j/87531836249?pwd=WVJLTmZEdlRqWGxRRzRCdk16ZEViZz09

6 клас 09.04. Розвиток граматичних навичок https://us05web.zoom.us/j/89885600556?pwd=YU4wM1pxZ0x3MlU5eC9MQWgxQXkyZz09

06.04.2021р.Тема: Спорт у США та Великобританії. Практика в аудіюванні.

1. Повтори ЛО попереднього уроку та виконай вправу.

Sort out the words according to the lines with the headings (a-f) below

Race, league, gym, athlete, ground, team, player, captain, pitch, sportsman, score, side, game, goal, referee, courts, judge, supporter, point, stadium, spectator, leisure, centre, fan, match

a) The person who makes sure that players obey the rules ____________________

b) The people or groups of people who are involved in sport __________________

c) The points you get when you are playing a sport _____________________

d) An occasion when people compete against each other in a sport _____________

e) A place where you do sport __________________________

f) Someone who watches sport ________________________

2. Прослухай аудіозапис та виконай вправу 5 ст. 207


Тема: Спортивні події.

1. Опрацюй ЛО теми ст.210

2. Виконай вправи

a) write a few sentences

   Many sports stars have to begin practicing seriously when they are very young. What is your opinion of this? Is it acceptable for children to have to work so hard?

b)  Think about the last sports event you watched (either at a stadium or on TV). Circle the adjectives that best describe it.

Boring, cool, exciting, wonderful, predictable, dreadful, average, funny, amazing, frustrating.

с)  Write a paragraph to describe the event.

3. Виконай тест за посиланням та надішли скріншот. https://learningapps.org/467909

2 клас


Тема:У зоопарку.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EblQzWOOcUI перегляньте відео урок з даної теми.


Переклади речення за зразком: I can see a……at the zoo.-Я бачу….. в зоопарку.

1.Я бачу зебру в зоопарку.

2.Я бачу мавпу в зоопарку.

3.Я бачу лева в зоопарку.

4.Я бачу змію в зоопарку.

Прочитай описи тварин у зоопарку та напиши відгадку, про яку тварину йде мова.

2.  It is black and white. It eats fish. It can swim. It can’t fly.

3.  It is big. It is angry. It is yellow. It lives in the jungle.

4.  It is big. It is orange and black. It can run. It eats meat.        

5.  It is brown. It is not big. It eats apples. It lives on trees.


Тема: Чи люблять зебри фрукти?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTIZObvnHV8&t=1sперегляньте відео урок з даної теми.

Д.з. вставити відповідну форму дієслова to be (am/is/ are)


Тема:Розвиток граматичних навичок.

  1. Утворити множину.

a cock - _________________                         a lamp - ___________________

a pen - __________________                         a hen - ____________________

a car - ___________________                        a doll - ____________________

  1. Виберіть правильний артикль a / an

____ pencil, ______box , ______orange , ______apple, _____cat, _____bag, ____dog , _____umbrella , ______flower, _____rabbit , _____door.

  1. Вставити  правильне слово (am , is, are)

I ______a pupil.                            She ______a girl.

He _______a father.                      We _______children.

It _______a big car.                       She ______ pretty.

  1. Складіть речення.

is/ nice/ She/- ______________________________________

We/ friends / are - ___________________________________

He / a brother / is - ___________________________________

I / a sister / am - _____________________________________

     5 . Переклади речення.

She is a mother - _____________________________

He is clever -__________________________________

3 клас


Тема:Яка була погода? Вживання дієслова  to be у минулому часі.

Згідно розкладу за посиланням у групі Viber працюємо у Zoom

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_rZlF73OzY   перегляньте відео на тему « Вживання дієслова to be у минулому часі»

Д.з. повторити лексичний матеріал по темі « Погода».  Вставити was/ were  в речення  та  утворити запитальні речення.

1.I…..in the country last year.


3.My friends…. in the  park.

4.The day…..cold.

5.The girls….at the seaside.

6. She….in the mountains last summer.


Тема: Вдягни светр. Утворення запитальних та заперечних речень з дієсловом to be.

Згідно розкладу за посиланням у групі Viber працюємо у Zoom.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py2IX0zTXiA  перегляньте відео повторення лексичного матеріалу по темі « Одяг».

Д.з.- повторити лексичний матеріал по темі « Одяг».

Утворити короткі відповіді на запитання.

1.Was it cold yesterday?

2.Were you at the cinema?

3. Was she happy on holiday?

4. Was your friend at school last Tuesday?

5.Were the girls at the seaside?

Утворити заперечні речення:

1.It was August.

2.My mother was in France.

3. The boys were on holiday.

4.She was at the museum.

5. I was happy on holiday.


Тема: Розвиток навичок читання.

Прочитай та переклади письмово текст. Вибрати правильний варіант відповіді.

       This is Liza. Liza is a little girl. She is six. She lives in Kiev. She gets up at seven o’clock. She has dinner at one o’clock. We can see Liza in the yard. She is on the bench. Liza has a toy in her hands. It is a black kitten. The kitten is nice and funny. There are many boys and girls in the yard too. They run, jump and play. Children like to play in the yard. Liza goes to bed at ten o’clock.

1. Liza is …..

a) seven      b) six    c) ten

2. Liza is …

a) in the park    b) at school      c) in the yard

3. Liza is ….

a) on the bed    b) on the bench    c) at the desk

4) Liza lives in …

a) Toretsk     b) Kiev    c) Donetsk

5) Liza has …

a) a puppy   b) a kitten    c) a dog

6) Children like to…

a) run, jump and fly   b) run, jump and swim    c) run, jump and play

9 клас


Тема:Різноманітність традицій Великобританії.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBUVBFIPsps перегляньте відео про різноманітність традицій Великобританії.

Д.з.-В.1.с.201-201 переклад; с.202- відповіді на запитання


Тема:Великобританія сьогодні.


Згідно розкладу за посиланням у групі Viber працюємо у Zoom

Д.з.-в.3 с.204 відповіді на запитання; с.205- вивчити лексичний матеріал


Тема: Великобританія сьогодні.

Згідно розкладу за посиланням у групі Viber працюємо у Zoom

«Queen’s presents»

Olga:       What’s that, Stephen? Have you got a new camera?

Stephen: Yeah. Just what  I’ve always wanted. It’s a Christmas present from my parents.

Olga:      Really? I’m so happy for you. I love presents. I wish I were a queen, then I   would get presents  every day.

Stephen:  Believe it or not, Olga, but this is what happens in real life. I’ve read a magazine that for  Queen Elizabeth, for example, every day is Christmas day.

 Olga:        You’re kidding!

 Stephen:   Not at all. And some of the presents are very unusual. Once an American hot-dog firm sent her a big box of hot-dogs with mustard.

Olga:         Oh, no! What did she do with them?

Stephen:  I have no idea. But it’s clear that presents can be a big problem. Once,  when the Queen    returned from Canada she brought home a mink coat, a large statue of a horse, a pair of snowshoes, a motor-boat, a piece of iron, a silver jug and a large painting of a power station.

Olga:     What does the Queen do with these presents? Where can she put a large    statue?

Stephen:  There are 600 rooms in Buckingham Palace and the Queen tries to use all of her presents. And she gives many of her presents to museums, especially the British Museum.

Olga:       I’d so much like to go to London one day and visit the British Museum and see Buckingham Palace and Hyde Park and Big Ben.

Stephen:   I hope your dream will come true.        

  True or false?

1. Queen Elizabeth gets presents every day.

2. The people speak about the presents on Halloween.

3 Once an American hot-dog firm sent a queen a big box of hot dogs with mustard.

4. There are 60 rooms in Buckingham Palace

5. The Queen gives many presents to museums, especially the British Museum.

Answer the questions:

1. What are the names of the people speaking?

2. What holiday are the people speaking about?

3. What unusual presents does the Queen receive?

4. What does the Queen do with these presents?

5. Do you like to have a statue of a horse at home?

11 клас


Тема: ЗНО

Згідно розкладу за посиланням у групі Viber працюємо у Zoom


1 клас


Тема: У тебе є сендвіч з рибою. Читання слів.

1. Прослухай аудіозапис та повтори нові ЛО уроку – впр 1, 2 ст. 90

2. Прослухай аудіозапис впр 3,ст 90 та прочитай за вичтелем.

3. Запиши у зошит останнє речення з впр 3 ст. 90


Тема: Що у твоєму ланч-боксі?

1. Прослухай та повтори слова за аудіозаписом. Впр 1,2, ст.92

2. Передивись відео та виконай завдання за вчителем.


3. Прочитай впр 3,с.92.

4. Запиши у зошит речення Kate and Dave, take a cake. Підкресли слова з звуком [ei].



Тема: Я люблю чай.

1. Прослухай та повтори слова за аудіозаписом. Впр 1 ст.94

2. Прочитай впр 3 ст 94

3. Прослухай аудіозапис впр 2, ст. 94 та запиши за зразком.

Зразок:  Stas likes potato.


Тема: Що на ланч? Розвиток навичок усного висловлювання.

1. Прослухай та повтори слова за аудіозаписом впр 1 ст. 96.

2. Виконай письмово вправу 3 ст. 96-97.

Зразок. I like soup. I don’t like sausage.

3. Прослухай аудіозапис та прочитай впр 5 ст. 97

4 клас


Тема: Підготовка до вечірки. Past Simple

1. Переглянь відео урок № 3 за посиланням


2. Прочитай текст впр 2,ст 92 та випиши дієслова в минулому часі.

3. Виконай вправу

Fill in the gaps.

   Yesterday my sister and I helped (help) our mother in the house.

   First I _________(walk) our dog.

   Then we ___________(clean) our rooms and we __________(cook) some spaghetti. The spaghetti ______________(not/be) very nice, but our mother ________________(be) happy. Then my sister and I _______________(watch) TV. After that we ______________(wash) our clothes.



Тема: Свята у травні. Present Perfect

1. Переглянь відео урок № 5 за посиланням


2. Виконай впр 1 ст. 95 письмово за зразком.

3. Переглянь пояснення https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_a6yTr8hMw

та виконай картку

1. Write the verbs in the Present Perfect.

eat - ____________    iron - _______________     arrive - ___________

sleep - __________    clean - ______________     put - _____________

open - __________    take - _______________     leave - ___________

find - ___________   swim - ______________     drink - ___________

give - ___________  write - _______________    talk - _____________

break - __________   make - ______________    run - _____________

2.  Complete the sentences as in the example:

1. She has cleaned the house. 2. We _________ not worked hard. 3. I _________ visited them several times. 4. She _______ not finished yet. 5. They _________ talked to him.



Тема: День гумору. Доповнення ділогів.

1. Переглянь відео урок № 6 за посиланням


2. Виконай вправу 2,ст. 98

3. Виконати завдання за посиланням та зробити скріншот результату.\



Тема: Улюблені свята.

1. Перегляньте відео пояснення за посиланням

2. Виконайте інтерактину вправу за посиланням та надійшліть скріншот з результатом.


5 клас


Тема: Свята. Порядкові числівники.

1. Переглянь відео-урок № 1 за посиланням та повтори назви свят. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Vz1sQjAlXM

2. Виконай впр 1,с.166 – підписати малюнки.

3. Побудуй запитання за впр 2 ст. 166.



Тема: Свята. Порядкові числівники.

1. Переглянь відео-урок № 1 за посиланням та повтори назви свят. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Vz1sQjAlXM

2. Переглянь відео- пояснення та виконай вправу.


3. Картка

Look and write as in the example.

2. Fill in the blanks.

1. January is the first month of the year. 2. July is the ______________ month of the year. 3. October is the _______________month of the year. 4. December is the _____________ month of the year. 5. April is the _______________ month of the year. 6. September is the _________________ month of the year.



Тема: Підготовка до святкування Різдва

1. Виконай інтерактивну вправу та надішли скріншот.


2. Згадай назви свят впр 5 ст 168 та виконай вправу за зразком.


7 клас


Тема: З історії Британії

1. Переглянь відео про Британію випішіть географічні назви.


2. Дай відповіді на запитання.

What is the official name of the country?

Where is it situated?

How many parts has the UK?

Point out the names of the British Isles.

What is the capital of the UK?

What is the main river of the country?

What is the name of the national flag of the UK?

What is the highest mountain of the UK?

Who is the head of the UK?



Тема: З історії Британії. Артикль the з географічними назвами.

1. Виконай тест за посиланням та надішли скріншот з результатом.


2. Переглянь відео-пояснення про вживання артиклю та виконай вправу.


Поставте необхідний артикль перед назвами водних просторів.

1 ___ Lake Geneva

2 ___ Pacific Ocean

3 ___ Nile

4 ___ English Channel

5 ___ Strait of Dover

6 ___ Dover Strait

7 ___ Victoria Falls

8 ___ Neva

9 ___ Mediterranean Sea

10 ___ Indian Ocean

11 ___ Black sea



Тема: Лондон

1. Перевірочний тест на вживання артиклю


2. Прочитай та переклади текст

      London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and cultural centre. It is one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is more than 11 000 000 people. London is situated on the river Thames. The city is very old and beautiful. It was founded more than two thousand years ago. Traditionally London is divided into several parts: the City, the Westminster, the West End and the East End.
     The City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business center. The Westminster is the aristocratic official part of London. It includes Buckingham Palace, where the Queen lives, and the Houses of Parliament. The West End is the most beautiful part of London. The best hotels, restaurants, shops, clubs, parks, and houses are situated there.
The East End is an industrial district of London. There are many factories and the Port of London there. London has many places of interest. One of them is the Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British Government. There one can see the famous Tower Clock Big Ben, the symbol of London. Big Ben is the real bell which strikes every quarter of an hour. 
    Another place of interest is Buckingham Palace. It’s the residence of the Queen. There are many other places of interest in London: Trafalgar Square, Regent’s Park, Westminster Abbey and, of course, the British Museum. It’s impossible to describe all places of interest.
The best way to know about London is to visit it.


8 клас


Тема: Традиції британців

1. Прочитай текст  та виконай завдання нижче.                   

     Traditions of English Tea

Everyone knows that tea is the most popular drink in Britain. It's even more popular than coffee, which is favoured; throughout Europe and America. Britain is a tea-drinking nation. Every day they drink 165 million cups of the stuff and each year around 144 thousand tons of tea are imported.

Tea in Britain is traditionally brewed in a warmed china teapot, adding one spoonful of tea per per­son and one for the pot. Most Britons like their tea strong and dark, but with a lot of milk.

     The Dutch brought the first tea to Europe in 1610. But it was not until 1658 that the first advertisement for tea appeared in a London newspaper. At that time a pound of the cheapest tea cost about one-third of a skilled worker's weekly wages. Tea was guarded by the lady of the house and kept in special containers, often with a lock and carefully doled out by the teaspoon. By 1750 tea had become the principal drink of all the classes in Britain.

     Later, tea-drinking developed into a  fashionable social ritual. Tea parties were popular at home and soon the ritual of "afternoon tea" was firmly established.

    Nowadays, throughout the homes, tea shops and hotels of Britain, the custom of tea-time continues.

     Tea in Britain is brewed in a teapot. Then the one spoonful of tea per person and one for the pot is added.

       Most people in Britain prefer a rich, strong cup of tea with milk, and sugar is sometimes added to taste. If something is not quite to your taste, it’s probably “ not your cup of tea ”. It is important to pour tea into milk, and not vice versa.

  Their "high tea" at 5 o'clock is very famous. Tea is accompanied by ham, tomatoes and salad, bread and butter, fruit and cakes. If someone asks you if you “would like a cupper ”, they are asking if you would like a cup of tea.

     If someone says “ let me be mother ” or “ shall I be mother ”, they are offering to pour out the tea from the teapot.

                              True or False.

1. Britain is a tea-drinking  nation.

2. Every day they drink 175 million cups of the stuff.

3. Tea in Britain is traditionally brewed in a warmed china teapot.

4. The Dutch brought the first tea to Europe in 1620.

5. By 1750 tea had become the principal drink of all the classes in Britain.

6. If something is not quite to your taste, it’s probably “ not your cup of tea ”

7. It is important to pour milk into tea .

8.  Their "high tea" at 5 o'clock is very famous.     



Тема: Тренувальні вправи на повторення лексики та граматики.

1. Згадай про символи традиції британців та виконай тест за посиланням


2. Запиши текст в зошит з виправленими словами. Текст за посиланням




Тема. Контрольна робота за темою «Стиль життя в Великобританії»

Theme: Nature and weather. Life in Britain.

I variant

1. Translate into English.

Промокнути, прогноз погоди, умови, швидкість вітру, помірний, сонячний ранок, клімат.

2. Look at the pictures and describe the season and weather.

Картинки по запросу малюнок літнього ранку                          _______________________________________________



3. Circle the correct variant.

1. The UK lies to the ________ of Europe.

a) south west       b) north-west         c) north-west

2. The UK consists of England, Wales, Scotland and _______

a) Britain        b) Northern Ireland       c) the republic of Ireland

3. _____ is located in the northern part of Great Britain.

a) England      b) Wales       c) Scotland

4. The British Isles include Great Britain, ______ and smaller islands around them.

a) England     b) Northern Ireland      c) Ireland

5. The island containing England, Wales and Scotland is called ____.

a) the UK     b) Great Britain      c) the British Isles

4. Put the article the where necessary.

1. _____ Jamaica is situated in _____ Caribbean Sea.

2. The capital of _____ Australia is _______ Canberra.

3. My sister has graduated from _____ Harvard University.

4.____ Hoverla is the highest peak of ______ Carpathian Mountains.

5. Match the correct variant.

London’s Tower Bridge

    Many tourists have visited Tower Bridge. It is the only bridge over the river Thames that can open and  1) ____ ships pass under it. Tower Bridge was built in 1894 and 2) _____ uses the same machines to lift up the two halves of the bridge. In earlier times, the river was 3) _____ busier than now and the bridge 4) ____ to open over a thousand times a year. Today, it only opens twice a week.

    In 1952, a big red bus was 5) _____ the middle of the bridge when it started to open. The driver only just got to the other side in time! Of course, now 6)______ are lights at 7) ____ end and the traffic must wait for them to go green.


a) lets

b) let

c) letting

d) let’s


a) ever

b) yet

c) recently

d) still


a) much


c) very

d) more


a) should

b) had

c) was

d) must


a) to

b) between

c) in

d) on


a) there

b) here

c) they

d) it


a) every

b) each

c) all

d) any

Theme: Nature and weather. Life in Britain.

II variant

1. Translate into English.

Промокнути, прогноз погоди, умови, швидкість вітру, помірний, сонячний ранок, клімат.

2. Look at the pictures and describe the season and weather.

Картинки по запросу малюнок зимового ранку                          _______________________________________________



3. Circle the correct variant.

1. The UK lies to the ________ of Europe.

a) south west       b) north-west         c) north-west

2. The UK consists of England, Wales, Scotland and _______

a) Britain        b) Northern Ireland       c) the republic of Ireland

3. _____ is located in the northern part of Great Britain.

a) England      b) Wales       c) Scotland

4. The British Isles include Great Britain, ______ and smaller islands around them.

a) England     b) Northern Ireland      c) Ireland

5. The island containing England, Wales and Scotland is called ____.

a) the UK     b) Great Britain      c) the British Isles

4. Put the article the where necessary.

1. We enjoyed the beautiful view of _____Pacific Ocean from _____ San Francisco.

2. My friend invited us to ____ Royal Theatre to watch the play of some modern _____ English dramatist.

3. Is ____ Malta in _____ Black Sea?

4. Is _____ Paris in ____ United Kingdom or in _____ France?

5. Match the correct variant.

London’s Tower Bridge

    Many tourists have visited Tower Bridge. It is the only bridge over the river Thames that can open and  1) ____ ships pass under it. Tower Bridge was built in 1894 and 2) _____ uses the same machines to lift up the two halves of the bridge. In earlier times, the river was 3) _____ busier than now and the bridge 4) ____ to open over a thousand times a year. Today, it only opens twice a week.

    In 1952, a big red bus was 5) _____ the middle of the bridge when it started to open. The driver only just got to the other side in time! Of course, now 6)______ are lights at 7) ____ end and the traffic must wait for them to go green.


a) lets

b) let

c) letting

d) let’s


a) ever

b) yet

c) recently

d) still


a) much


c) very

d) more


a) should

b) had

c) was

d) must


a) to

b) between

c) in

d) on


a) there

b) here

c) they

d) it


a) every

b) each

c) all

d) any

10 клас


Тема: Спорт і дозвілля

1. Опрацюйте лексичний матеріал теми ст. 198, 202

2. Виконай вправи 1,2 ст. 198

3. Склади речення з поданих слів

Go jogging, go to the gym, take a long walk, go swimming, ride a bicycle, stretch, play football, do exercises.



Тема: Види спорту.

1. Запиши на кожну літеру алфавіту назву – виду спорту.

2. Доповни текст словами з довідки.

Skiing, leader, the Olympics, team games, keep in shape, sports

My brother loves___. When he was in high school he used to play a lot of ___. He was always the team ____. He still plays soccer sometimes on the weekend, and in winter he goes ____ or snowboarding. Recently he’s started going to the gym three times a week in order to _____. He also likes watching sports. If there’s any sport on the television – the World Series, ____ or even Golf Open Championships – he’ll watch it.

Lost, pitch, game, matches, team, tennis.

I used to hate sport when I was at school. We had to stand around for hours on a cold soccer ____. No one ever wanted me to be on their ____, and the team I was on usually ____. I never even liked to watch sport either. A lot of my friends used to go to football _____ on Saturday afternoons, and I went with them sometimes, but only because I didn’t want to feel left out. When I was at university I started playing _____. I know I’m not very good at the ____, but it’s nice to get some exercise.


4 клас


Тема: Порядкові числівники. День народження. Звичаї та традиції.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BgHsmswyxk перегляньте відео про порядкові числівники.

Повторити назви місяців. Та виконати вправи 2 та 3 на с.87



Тема: Свята. Підготовка до вечірки.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vz7mf8mWU7w перегляньте відео урок з даної теми.

Повторити назви свят.


Читати: в.1с.89


Та виконати вправу4.с88


Тема:Підготовка до вечірки..

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKbMSzBXr4w повторити назви свят.

В.2 с.89 письмово закінчити речення, користуючись текстом попередньої вправи1 с.89

Вивчити слова в.1.с89


Тема:Present Simple Tense. Теперішній простий час.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gj3aQYLBgac пояснення граматичного матеріалу- утворення стверджувальних речень у теперішньому простому часі.

Виконати завдання на картці, утворивши речення у Present Simple Tense.

6 клас


Тема:Подорож до Києва.

Згідно розкладу за посиланням у групі Viber працюємо у Zoom

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzEuMUG6xjk про Київ

в.3 с.141 читати

в.6 с.142 письмово


Тема: З’ясування напрямків.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcL8xD2oSzE напрямки

в.1.с143 читати

с.144- дати відповіді на запитання


Тема:Правила дорожнього руху.

Згідно розкладу за посиланням у групі Viber працюємо у Zoom

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nbr9E_reeg урок про подорож по Києву

в.4 с.144 читати

в.4 с.148 письмово вставити слова


Тема: У торговому центрі.

Згідно розкладу за посиланням у групі Viber працюємо у Zoom

В.1 с.149 вивчити слова та читати

В.2 с.149 письмово


Тема:Дитячі подорожі.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWE11x0AUP4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWE11x0AUP4 про Київ

В.3 с.150 читати

В.4 с.151 скласти речення з поданими словосполученнями


Тема:Розвиток граматичних навичок.

Згідно розкладу за посиланням у групі Viber працюємо у Zoom

В.2 с.152 письмово

В.3 с.153 читати

9 клас


Тема: Частини Великобританії

Згідно розкладу за посиланням у групі Viber працюємо у Zoom

Choose the right item. 1) The capital of the Northern Ireland is ... a) Dublin b) Cardiff c) Belfast 2) The British Flag is often called ... a) the Union Jack b) the Maple Leaf c) the Stars and Stripes 3) It was the prison, the fortress and now it is the museum. a) The Tower of London b) Westminster Abbey c) Westminster Palace 4) Westminster palace. What are the names of the two towers? a) the Victoria Tower and the White Tower b) the Victoria Tower and the Clock Tower c) the Write Tower and The Clock Tower 5) The mysterious Loch Ness Monster is from ... a) Wales b) Ireland с) Scotland 6) Where does British Parliament seat in London? a) in The Tower of London b) in Westminster Palace c) in Buckingham Palace 7) What is the crowning place of English kings and queens? a) The Tower of London b) Westminster Abbey c) Buckingham Palace 8) The Royal residence in London is a) Buckingham Palace b) The Tower of London c) the Royal Albert Hall


Тема:  Навколо Англії.

Згідно розкладу за посиланням у групі Viber працюємо у Zoom

Complete the sentences or answer the question

1. The capital of England is …..

2. London stands on the river …..

3. The symbol of England is ….

4. The English flag is …. 

5.What is the full official name of Great Britain? ….

6.Name the 4 parts of the United Kingdom.

7.Name the capitals of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland…

8.What is the longest river in Britain?

9.What is the deepest river in Britain?

10.The Queen lives in….

11.His monument stands in the center of Trafalgar square….

12. Who is the head  of the United Kingdom ?.....

Прочитати дані тексти та заповнити таблицю

The UK Information Guide


Capital: London

People: the English

Language: English

You should start your tour with London, the capital of Great Britain. You can see Trafalgar Square, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben and many other places of interest here. But England is not only London. Oxford and Cambridge are famous for their old universities. Stratford-upon-Avon is the birthplace of Shakespeare.


Capital: Edinburgh

People: the Scots

Language: English, Scottish

This is a land of high mountains and green valleys. The highest mountains are situated in the Highlands. The national dress of Scots is the kilt, which was originally worn by men. It is a skirt with a lot of folds. The Scottish musical instrument is the bagpipe.


Capital: Cardiff

People: the Welsh

Language: English, Welsh

It is a country of lakes and mountains. The second highest mountain in Great Britain Snowdon is situated here. The Welsh are famous for their singing ability. They like to speak Welsh, to sing songs in Welsh. St David is the Patron Saint of Wales. On St David’s Day people wear a leek or a daffodil.

Northern Ireland

Capital: Belfast

People: the Irish

Language: English, Irish

        The Irish musical instrument is the harp. The patron saint of Northern Ireland is St Patrick. St Patrick’s Day is a national holiday here.

Fact file of the UK



Northern Ireland





musical instrument

national holiday

2 клас


Тема: Яка домашня тваринка у тебе є?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGkoI9D5Hu4 перегляньте відео про тваринку, яку ти маєш.


В.4 с.128 читати; в.2 с.131 письмово перекласти


Тема: Наскільки довгий його хвіст?


В.2 с.133читати; в.2 с.137 письмово


Тема: Їдьмо на ферму.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0vght9rtG0&t=29s перегляньте відео урок з даної теми

Описати улюблену тваринку.

3 клас


Тема: Ми йдемо в похід.

В.1 с.92 читати; в.2 с.92 письмово вибрати правильний варіант.

Вчити слова з картки

Перекласти речення на англ..мову:

1.Біля острова є річки.

2.Біля гори є океан.

3. У зоопарку є звірі.

4. На планеті є гори та озера.

5.На острові є замок.

31.03 2021

Тема:Дієслово  to be  у минулому часі.

Згідно розкладу за посиланням у групі Viber працюємо у Zoom

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbkXZGMrfBc  перегляньте пояснення граматичного матеріалу

В.1 с.94 читати; в.2 с.94 письмово перекласти. Вивчити граматичне правило на картці.

Перекласти речення:

1.Я був вдома.

2.Ми були на гральному майданчику.

3.Він був у кафе.

4. Вона була у Англії.

5.Вони були на острові.


Тема: Дієслово to be. Короткі відповіді на запитання

Згідно розкладу за посиланням у групі Viber працюємо у Zoom

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9OfhT7CnzE перегляньте пояснення граматичного матеріалу

В.1 с.96 побудувати короткі відповіді на запитання.

11 клас


Тема: ЗНО

Згідно розкладу за посиланням у групі Viber працюємо у Zoom

5 клас


Тема: Свята у Великій Британії. Різдво

1. Прочитай текст впр 2 ст. 169-170

2. Дай відповіді на запитання впр 3, ст. 170 (усно)

3. Переглянь відео –пояснення та виконай впр 5,ст. 171




Тема: Свята у Великій Британії. Хеловін.

1. Виконай тест за посиланням та надішли скріншот


2. Прочитай текст впр 1а, ст. 172

3. Виконай впр 3,ст. 173


Тема: Свята у Великій Британії. День св. Валентина

1. Прочитай текст впр 2,ст. 174-175

2. Доповни речення вправи 3,ст.175

3. Виготовити дизайн власної «валентинки».

7 клас


Тема: Лондон. So/ Neither do I

1. Прочитай текст впр 2,ст. 126-127

2. Виконай впр 3,ст. 127

3. Ознайомся з правилом на ст. 128 та викоанй впр 5,ст. 129 (перші 5 речень)



Тема: Лондон. So/ Neither do I

1. Прочитай текст впр 2,ст. 130-131

2. Виконай впр 4,ст. 131


Тема: Лондон.

1. Виконай тест за посиланням https://naurok.com.ua/test/join?gamecode=2398482

2. Згадай правило вживання структури So/ Neither do I

3. Доповни текст вправи 7, ст. 132 відповідним артиклем.

8 клас


Тема: Україна – наш дім.

1. Прочитай текст про сім чудес в Україні впр 4,ст.141

2. Виконай впр 5 ст. 142.


Тема: Географічне положення України. Робота з картою.

1. Прочитай текст впр 2 ст. 143

2. Дай письмові відповіді на питання впр 1 ст. 143


Тема: Географічне положення України. Робота з картою.

1. Опрацюй лексичний матеріал теми за впр 3 ст. 145

2. Виконай тест за посиланням https://naurok.com.ua/test/join?gamecode=2398482

3. Письмово виконай впр 4 ст. 145



Тема уроку


1 клас


Що у твоєму ланч-боксі?»


4 клас


Підготовка до вечірки. Past Simple


4 клас


Свята у травні. Present Perfect


5 клас


Свята. Порядкові числівники


5 клас


Свята. Порядкові числівники


5 клас


Підготовка до святкування Різдва


7 клас


З історії Британії


7 клас


З історії Британії. Артикль the з географічними назвами.


7 клас




8 клас


Традиції британців


8 клас


Тренувальні вправи на повторення лексики та граматики.


10 клас


Спорт і дозвілля


10 клас


Види спорту.


5 клас


Свята в Британії. Різдво


7 клас


Лондон. Структура So/Neither


10 клас


Спорт у США та Великобританії. Практика в аудіюванні


7 клас


Лондон. Структура So/Neither


4 клас


Улюблені свята. Present Perfect


10 клас


Спортивні події. Враження від проглянутих змагань


5 клас


Свята у Великобританії. День св. Валентина


8 клас


Різні країни – різні звичаї


1 клас


Що на ланч. Розвиток навичок усного висловлювання



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